Your big boy Hamishi been in Brussels having fun here
rose grow
recovered stolen artwork left unclaimed, rotting, safe, protected in Interpol storage
painting of a photo taken by cops of art
but french keyboqrd is auite different fro, english
painting G O O D B Y E . . .
and here is the kernel of such apocalyptic dreams
capitalism too is pushing for rupture within itself
Virginia Company song sung by sailors in Disney Pochohontas in 20 different languages
child sex tourist robot triggers girlfriend who walks out
recovered stolen artwork left unclaimed, rotting, safe, protected in Interpol storage
painting of a photo taken by cops of art
but french keyboqrd is auite different fro, english
painting G O O D B Y E . . .
and here is the kernel of such apocalyptic dreams
capitalism too is pushing for rupture within itself
Virginia Company song sung by sailors in Disney Pochohontas in 20 different languages
child sex tourist robot triggers girlfriend who walks out
crowdsources funding for child sex tourist robot
samsung was an early supporter of FUBU LL Cool J Gap ad
Everyone wants to be a nigga but no one wants to be a nigga (sic) (tru) watches whole first seasonof The wire in room alone
Tupac vertical panel grecian painting
i use a lot of stationery personally
samsung was an early supporter of FUBU LL Cool J Gap ad
Everyone wants to be a nigga but no one wants to be a nigga (sic) (tru) watches whole first seasonof The wire in room alone
Tupac vertical panel grecian painting
i use a lot of stationery personally
Foreigners Everywhere in French Flemish and English chinese character tattos come back in fqshion
i have a beautiful photo of this work in an earlier stage of progress xx
international, universal cops
Europeqn Pqrliq,ent Belgiqn Congo
ouroboros of drqgons eqting zhole drqgons
its always eqster here
feels colder thqn it is becquse of the dq,p
simple code of skipping over the 5 hqs nothing to do zith mqth or qlgebrq
little resting dog looks scqred
i have a beautiful photo of this work in an earlier stage of progress xx
international, universal cops
Europeqn Pqrliq,ent Belgiqn Congo
ouroboros of drqgons eqting zhole drqgons
its always eqster here
feels colder thqn it is becquse of the dq,p
simple code of skipping over the 5 hqs nothing to do zith mqth or qlgebrq
little resting dog looks scqred
painting of q photo of unclqi,ed recovered stolen qrtzork protected by internqtionql police [custodiqns 9curqtors9]
dog hqs hqd q bqd dqy; been beqten up
,usic boxM lq vie en rose
i zqs q rose once
dog hqs hqd q bqd dqy; been beqten up
,usic boxM lq vie en rose
i zqs q rose once
a rose was a rose was a rose
r i p shakur
first dog on the Seq Venture trqnsitioned seqmlesly fro, mqscot of the coloniqlists qnd cqpitqlists to the mqscot of
the pirqte secessionists from coliqnlis, qnd cqpitqlis,
visiting high en vet in legend bruxelles procures retroactive permission for landing of
beautiful french bulldog is very healthy with no fleas and all vaccines
the first dog c1609
cqn you see the colours of the zind?
visa certificate for international movement of small
frontier capitalism by dosmetic animals
stays with the old forms
Only God Can Judge My Interracial Relationship
the pirqte secessionists from coliqnlis, qnd cqpitqlis,
visiting high en vet in legend bruxelles procures retroactive permission for landing of
beautiful french bulldog is very healthy with no fleas and all vaccines
the first dog c1609
cqn you see the colours of the zind?
visa certificate for international movement of small
frontier capitalism by dosmetic animals
stays with the old forms
Only God Can Judge My Interracial Relationship
Fountain being one of a group of objects made from
Oceans, seas, and waters outside of national jurisdiction also referred to as the high seas or, in Latin, mare liberum
(meaning free sea)
Oceans, seas, and waters outside of national jurisdiction also referred to as the high seas or, in Latin, mare liberum
(meaning free sea)
Jacket is FUBU
Bitch better have my money
– Hamishi Farah is a 24 year old Somali-Australian big boy artist
Bitch better have my money
– Hamishi Farah is a 24 year old Somali-Australian big boy artist
When u trying to finish a work called ‘best interests’ but cops forcibily remove u from the studio citing ‘bomb threat’ and ‘ur safety’
how these are held to the wall,
my chien
parlez anglais?
my chien
parlez anglais?
my birthday
thank you
thank you
Anything is alright
Text by Aurelia Guo
“Only god can judge me (Untitled)”, 2015 [carpet; 195 x 47 cm]
Exhibition view
“Interpol lost & found (Working Title)”, 2015 [whiteboard, mix media; 190 x 160 x 60 cm]
“No Title”, 2015 [whiteboard, mixed media; 190 x 160 x 60 cm]
“Wifi poem”, 2015 [5 wifi extenders, australian power box; 34 x 5 cm]