Tuesday, September 13, 2016

'Scriptures, the Word: Activating Text as Liberation' [NYC/USA]

"As we attempt to analyze dialogue as a human phenomenon, we discover something which is the essence of dialogue itself: the word. But the word is more than just an instrument which makes dialogue possible; accordingly, we must seek its constitutive elements. Within the word we find two dimensions, reflection and action, in such radical interaction that if one is sacrificed—even in part—the other immediately suffers. There is no true word that is not at the same time a praxis Thus, to speak a true word is to transform the world...On the other hand, if action is emphasized exclusively, to the detriment of reflection, the word is converted into activism." - Paulo Freire, The Pedagogy of The Oppressed

For text to be radicalized and revolutionary, it must be activated and become accessible through discourse and exchange. "Scriptures, the Word: Activating Text as Liberation" will be a moment of black and brown consciousness congregating to share sacred writings, where themes of self care, venting, rage, or love are explored. Giving "the word" is giving texts that are used to heal or guide the spirit via poetry, prose, lyrics, or even creative journalism.

The readers' works contribute to combating conditioning inflicted by adversarial like interactions with the systems of misogynoir, toxic masculinity, white male fragility, white supremacy and anti - blackness (or all combined). Through "Scriptures, the Word: Activating Text as Liberation" we readers will recite creative texts as we celebrate and revitalize African diaspora oratory traditions in efforts to promote humanizing interactions and empowerment.

// 5 - 10 sliding scale donation - no one will be turned away \\

The Readers
Devin N Morris
Abdu Mongo Ali
Rindon Johnson
Yatta Zoker
Rickey Laurentiis
Cristobal Guerra Naranjo

Music by Ushka

Curated by Abdu Mongo Ali


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